How should church leaders present the “care list” to the congregation in matters of corrective discipline?

  1. Explain what the care list is, especially for newer members.
  2. Teach briefly about church discipline, possibly by reading Matthew 18:15-17. Remind the church that love should be the church’s motivation, and nothing else.
  3. Present the person’s name and why they’re being mentioned.
  4. Explain the nature of the sin very judiciously.Typically, details are not necessary.
  5. Explain how the unrepentant sinner has already been approached. What actions have occurred?
  6. Encourage anyone in the congregation who already has a relationship with this individual to pursue the individual in person or by phone or email.
  7. Encourage everyone to pray.
  8. Tell the church what to expect next. When will the leaders act toward formally excluding the individual if he or she does not repent?
  9. Perhaps: ask if anyone has questions. Answer carefully! Feel free to respond to any question by suggesting the possibility of following up in private.
  10. The care list should be announced only to church members. This keeps the matter where it belongs.

(This material has been partly drawn from Matt Schmucker’s article “Cleaning the Membership Rolls Part 2 – The Care List”)

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