Four Biblical Foundations for Contextualization

By Zane Pratt | 07.18.2016

The goal of contextualization is not comfort, but clarity.

The Recent Shootings and What to Say This Sunday

By Brian Davis | 07.08.2016

Your people need to know how the gospel applies to both the Alton Sterling and Philando Castile situations and the long dark tradition of racial injustice, as well as how it applies to retaliatory violence

Reflections on SBC Pastors’ Conference, Monday, June 13, 2016

By Grant Gaines | 06.14.2016

Grant Gaines reflects on the Pastor’s Conference at the Southern Baptist Convention.

Book Review: The Whole Christ, by Sinclair Ferguson

By Paul Alexander | 05.18.2016

This book is an instant classic—historical theology at its best.

Churches in Madagascar: Growing Deeper and Wider

By Tim Cantrell | 9Marks Journal: Healthy Churches around the World | 04.27.2016

Please join me in rejoicing at how God’s Word is at work in Madagascar, and also in praying for the spread of his Word in that needy place.

Should You Stay or Go?

By Mark Dever | 04.26.2016

Is the point of all this to say that some of you should leave your churches? Kind of. Some should go to help struggling churches. Some should plant new ones. Some should go overseas. And some should stay.

Book Review: Fool’s Talk, by Os Guinness

Review by Erik Raymond | 03.29.2016

Far too often, we engage in apologetics to win arguments rather than to win hearts. This book corrects that wrong impulse.

Lessons for Fools: Mark Dever Asks Os Guinness about His New Evangelism Book

By M. Dever, O. Guinness | 03.08.2016

Christians should be persuasive, and with his new book Fool’s Talk, Os Guinness offers a comprehensive presentation of the art and power of creative and distinctly Christian persuasion.

How should this desire to be persuasive affect our evangelism? Does God expect us to know the answers to every question? And how can we do this while remaining humble, recognizing that salvation is all of grace?

For our most recent 9Marks interview, Mark Dever sits down with Guinness to talk with him about these questions and more. We hope you’ll find it useful.

Who Is Jesus?

By Greg Gilbert

A famed historian once noted that, regardless of what you think of him personally, Jesus Christ stands as the central figure in the history of Western civilization. A man violently … keep reading…

Who Is Jesus? (Study Guide)

By A. Duke, G. Gilbert

Both Christians and non-Christians must reckon with the answer to this simple question. This study guide, a companion to Greg Gilbert’s book Who Is Jesus?, invites readers to reflect on Jesus’s … keep reading…

Who Is Jesus? (Tracts)

By Greg Gilbert

Who Is Jesus? explains why Jesus was so extraordinary, and how his life and death can provide salvation for those who believe in him. 

How Your Understanding of Conversion Impacts Your Ministry

By Jonathan Leeman | 02.17.2016

Your doctrine of conversion will push or drive—like an engine—your ministerial practices in this direction or that.

Book Review: Honest Evangelism, by Rico Tice

Review by Austin Suter | 02.04.2016

Evangelism is hard. This book should help.

What Is the Gospel?

By Greg Gilbert

What is the gospel? It seems like a simple question, yet it has been known to incite some heated responses, even in the church. How are we to formulate a … keep reading…

What Is the Gospel? (Tracts)

By Greg Gilbert

Adapted from Greg Gilbert’s book What Is the Gospel?, this tract uses evidence from the Bible to provide answers to the most commonly asked questions about Jesus Christ.