Selecting Elders

A Pastors’ and Theologians’ Forum on Selecting Elders

By B. Keisling, E. Roberts, F. Catherwood, J. MacArthur, M. Lawrence, P. Newton, T. R. Schreiner | 9Marks Journal: Elders (Part 1) | 03.01.2010

A Pastors’ and Theologians’ Forum:

What lessons have you learned the hard way in selecting elders?

Answers from

Looking For A Few Good Men

By M. Dever, P. Alexander | 9Marks Journal: Elders (Part 1) | 02.26.2010

Life experience alone does not qualify a man as an elder.

Unbelief in an Elder’s Children — Exegesis

By Justin Taylor | 9Marks Journal: Elders (Part 1) | 02.26.2010

May a man have children who are unbelievers and yet be appointed or continue as an elder?

Unbelief in an Elder’s Children — Practice

By Matt Schmucker | 9Marks Journal: Elders (Part 1) | 02.26.2010

Can you envision a scenario in which your child’s unbelief would disqualify you?

Installing Elders

Should Elders Be Ordained?

By Benjamin Merkle | 9Marks Journal: Elders (Part 1) | 02.26.2010

To rightfully be a “pastor” (or deacon) is to be “ordained” in the sense of being publicly installed into that office.

Elder Vows Sample

9Marks | 9Marks Journal: Elders (Part 1) | 02.26.2010

When Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington DC installs a new elder, the following vows will be recited during the Sunday morning service between an elder, the elder(s) being confirmed, and … keep reading…

Book Review: The Multi-Site Church Revolution

Review by John Hammett | 9Marks Journal: Elders (Part 1) | 03.06.2010

Much of what this book contains can be transferred to a church planting model, thus accomplishing many of the same goals and relieving many of the troubling ecclesiological questions.

Book(s) Review: This Little Church . . . Went to Market & Stayed Home, by Gary Gilley

Review by Flynn Cratty | 9Marks Journal: Elders (Part 1) | 03.06.2010

In the end, this emphasis on the Bible as the norm for life and doctrine is the most helpful thing in these two books.

Seasons in a Pastor’s Life

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Church Planting

novembro 2023
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A New Christian Authoritarianism?

abril 2023
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The Church’s Ministries

dezembro 2022
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The Pastor and Church Administration

setembro 2022
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Pursuing Revival While Avoiding Revivalism

junho 2022
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Expressive Individualism in the Church

março 2022
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Sound Doctrine: The Foundation for Faithful Ministry

outubro 2021
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The Ordinary Means of Grace—Or, Don’t Do Weird Stuff

July 2021
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How to Build Up Your Church: A Guidebook for Members

março 2021
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Heaven: Rejoicing in Future Glory

dezembro 2020
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Pastoring Through Political Turmoil

September 2020
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Shepherding: The Work & Character of a Pastor

junho 2020
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What’s Wrong With Gospel-Centered Preaching Today?

março 2020
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Complementarianism: A Moment of Reckoning

Complementarianism: A Moment of Reckoning

dezembro 2019
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The Heart of the Gospel: Penal Substitutionary Atonement

August 2019
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Church Membership: Following the Lord Together

Church Membership: Following the Lord Together

maio 2019
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Ecclesiology for Calvinists

fevereiro 2019
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The Pastor and Pornography

The Pastor and Pornography

outubro 2018
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Pastoral Burnout: Its Causes & Cures

julho 2018
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Church Life: Our True Political Witness

Spring 2018
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Church Discipline: Medicine for the Body

janeiro 2018
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The Reformation and Your Church

Fall 2017
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Church Mergers and Plants

Summer 2017
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Pastoring Singles

Spring 2017
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Healthy Churches around the World

Fall / Winter 2016
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Authority: God’s Good and Dangerous Gift

Summer/Fall 2016
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The Church Praying

Spring 2016
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Confessions, Covenants, and Constitutions: How to Organize Your Church

Winter 2016
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Missions: Adding Wisdom to Zeal

dezembro 2015
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Multi-Ethnic Churches

Summer/Fall 2015
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Expositional Preaching

Spring 2015
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Complementarianism & the Local Church

Winter 2015
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Vanishing Church?

Fall 2014
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Biblical Theology: Guardian and Guide of the Church

Summer 2014
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The Church Singing

May–June 2014
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Prosperity Gospel

January–February 2014
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Evangelism – Part 2

November–December 2013
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Evangelism – Part 1

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Is Scripture Enough?

July–August 2013
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Church and Churches

May—June 2013
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Pastoring Christians for the Workplace

March—April 2013
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Lay Elders: A User’s Guide—Part 2

Jan—Feb 2013
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Lay Elders: A User’s Guide – Part 1

November—December 2012
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Discipling in the Church

September—October 2012
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Mercy Ministry in the Church

July—August 2012
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Wanted: Apostolic Pastors

May—June 2012
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The Underestimated Doctrine of Conversion

March—April 2012
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Don’t Be Too Cool for Sunday School

January—February 2012
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Revitalize: Why We Must Reclaim Dying Churches—and How

November—December 2011
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The Pastor and his Staff, Part 2

September—October 2011
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The Pastor and his Staff, Part 1

July—August 2011
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Church Membership: Holding the Body Together

May—June 2011
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Church and Parachurch: Friends or Foes?

March—April 2011
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Pastoral Moves

January—February 2011
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Book Reviews on the Mission of the Church

November—December 2010
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Hell: Remembering the Awful Reality

September—October 2010
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Pastoring Women

July—August 2010
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Journal about Deacons


May - June 2010
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A New Evangelical Liberalism

January—February 2010

Church Discipline (Part 2)

November—December 2009

Church Discipline (Part 1)

September—October 2009


July—August 2009

Multi-site Churches

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Young Pastors

March–April 2009

Raising Up the Next Generation of Pastors

January–February 2009

Counseling in the Church

November–December 2008

Family & Parenting

September–October 2008

Marriage & Pastors’ Wives

July—August 2008
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Living As a Church

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Corporate Prayer

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Church & Culture

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Race and Ethnicity

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The Gospel

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Elders (Part 2)

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Hospitality & Friendship

January 2007

Elders (Part 1)

February 2007

Biblical Theology

November–December 2006

The Church’s Mission

October 2006

The Emerging Church

September 2006

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