Pastoral Perspectives on Hell

Pastoral Fearmongering, Manipulation, and Hell

By Mark Dever | 9Marks Journal: Hell: Remembering the Awful Reality | 08.20.2010

Of course, it’s good to teach our children not to be scared by shadows, and to be wary of those who use fear to sell us something. But what if there really is something to fear?

There’s Something Worse than Death

By Kevin DeYoung | 9Marks Journal: Hell: Remembering the Awful Reality | 08.20.2010

Divine wrath may not be the decorative masthead or the flag we raise up every flagpole. . . . It may not always be seen. But its absence will always be felt.

Hell in Biblical and Theological Perspective

Why Hell Is Integral to the Gospel

By Greg Gilbert | 9Marks Journal: Hell: Remembering the Awful Reality | 08.20.2010

Why is it that when people think about hell, they always conclude that God must be at fault and not themselves?

Hellfire and Brimstone: Interpreting the New Testament’s Descriptions of Hell

By Andy Naselli | 9Marks Journal: Hell: Remembering the Awful Reality | 08.20.2010

So when the Bible speaks of hell-fire, woe to us if we say, “It’s only a symbol.” If it is a symbol at all, it means the reality is worse than fire, not better.

How Does Hell Glorify God?

By Jim Hamilton | 9Marks Journal: Hell: Remembering the Awful Reality | 08.20.2010

How seriously should we take those who try to rewrite the story so that hell isn’t part of it? As seriously as we would take Hamlet critiquing Shakespeare’s work.

An Annotated Bibliography on Hell

By Gavin Ortlund | 9Marks Journal: Hell: Remembering the Awful Reality | 08.20.2010

The Last Things: Death, Judgment, Heaven and Hell, by Paul Helm. Banner of Truth, 1989. 152 pages. $8 Paul Helm is a teaching fellow at Regent College near Vancouver, and … keep reading…

Recent Book Reviews

Book Review: Love that Rescues, by Eric Bargerhuff

Review by Jonathan Leeman | 9Marks Journal: Hell: Remembering the Awful Reality | 08.02.2010

This book makes one point: church discipline, in spite of our expectations to the contrary, is all about God’s loving work of rescuing sinners from their sin.

Book Review: The Masculine Mandate: God’s Calling to Men, by Richard Phillips

Review by Jonathan Leeman | 9Marks Journal: Hell: Remembering the Awful Reality | 07.13.2010

At the risk of undermining the reader’s confidence in my objectivity, I have to admit that I have nothing negative to say about the book.

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