The Bible on Polity

Why New Testament Polity Is Prescriptive

By Bobby Jamieson | 9Marks Journal: Is Scripture Enough? | 07.16.2013

Does the Bible tell us how to structure our churches? Yes.

Contextualizing Ecclesiology

By Ed Roberts | 9Marks Journal: Is Scripture Enough? | 07.16.2013

What does a biblical church look like in Central Asia? Is 9Marks’ model really biblical? 9Marks asks a veteran missionary these questions and more.

The Bible on Philosophy of Ministry

Confessions of a Recovering Pragmatic Pastor

By Jeramie Rinne | 9Marks Journal: Is Scripture Enough? | 07.16.2013

How one pastor found pragmatism exhausting and man-centered, then found a better way.

The Sufficiency of Scripture

By Carl Trueman | 9Marks Journal: Is Scripture Enough? | 07.16.2013

What does it mean that Scripture is sufficient? And what is it sufficient for?

When Is Pragmatism Prudent?

By Jamie Dunlop | 9Marks Journal: Is Scripture Enough? | 07.16.2013

Finding the boundary between commands and sanctified common sense.

The Twin Temptations of Pragmatism and Authoritarianism

By Jonathan Leeman | 9Marks Journal: Is Scripture Enough? | 07.16.2013

Pragmatism and authoritarianism are opposite errors in a philosophy of ministry. But what’s striking is what they have in common.

Book Review: Reclaiming the Sufficiency of Scripture, by Rob Rienow

Review by Ben Wright | 9Marks Journal: Is Scripture Enough? | 07.16.2013

Reinow has expanded the doctrine of the sufficiency of Scripture to say a bit more than it has meant in church history since the Reformation, and more than Scripture claims for itself.

The Bible on the Church Gathering

Regulative Like Jazz

By Jonathan Leeman | 9Marks Journal: Is Scripture Enough? | 07.16.2013

If you think the regulative principle is overly prescriptive, think of it like jazz: a little bit of structure makes room for a whole lot of improv.

Must All Regulative Principle Churches Look the Same?

By Trip Lee | 9Marks Journal: Is Scripture Enough? | 07.16.2013

Worship in different cultures should consist of the same elements but look very different. Why? Because the gospel doesn’t foster oppressive uniformity but glorious, diverse sameness.

What about Movie Clips? Applying the Regulative Principle

By Aaron Menikoff | 9Marks Journal: Is Scripture Enough? | 07.16.2013

We need to keep in mind that we are not free to do whatever we want, whatever works, or whatever good people ask us to do.

Does the Regulative Principle Demand Exclusive Psalmody?

By Robert Letham | 9Marks Journal: Is Scripture Enough? | 07.16.2013

Should churches only sing Psalms? No, says Robert Letham—but better all Psalms than no Psalms!

Book Reviews

Book Review: The Great Evangelical Recession, by John Dickerson

Review by Matt McCullough | 9Marks Journal: Is Scripture Enough? | 06.24.2013

I found Dickerson’s information convincing overall: evangelical ministries are losing money, people, and the favor of the American public.

Book Review: Imitating God in Christ: Recapturing a Biblical Pattern, by Jason Hood

Review by Bobby Jamieson | 9Marks Journal: Is Scripture Enough? | 07.10.2013

“What Would Jesus Do?” is a slogan young Reformed types love to hate. But what if it’s a question more of us should be asking?

Book Review: The Trellis and the Vine, by Colin Marshall and Tony Payne

Review by John Power | 9Marks Journal: Is Scripture Enough? | 07.12.2013

The Trellis and the Vine is indeed an indispensible read on the nature of church ministry.

Book Review: Gospel-Centered Discipleship, by Jonathan Dodson

Review by Zach Schlegel | 9Marks Journal: Is Scripture Enough? | 07.02.2013

I was helped and encouraged by this book and would happily recommend it. That said, reading it raised a few questions that gave me pause.

Book Review: What Every Pastor Should Know, by Gary L. McIntosh and Charles Arn

Review by Matt Felton | 9Marks Journal: Is Scripture Enough? | 06.21.2013

This book is a wonderful idea, packaged in an excellent, user-friendly format.

Book Review: Churches, Cultures & Leadership: A Practical Theology of Congregations and Ethnicities

Review by Geoff Chang | 9Marks Journal: Is Scripture Enough? | 06.24.2013

If you’re looking for a book that explains how cultural differences might play out in the context of the local church, this could be a very helpful resource.

Book Review: Encouragement for Today’s Pastors: Help from the Puritans, by Joel Beeke and Terry Slachter

Review by Patrick Schreiner | 9Marks Journal: Is Scripture Enough? | 06.25.2013

A troubled or discouraged pastor can certainly be enlivened by attending to these “sweet droppers.”

Book Review: Understanding Biblical Theology, by Edward Klink and Darian Lockett

Review by Sam Emadi | 9Marks Journal: Is Scripture Enough? | 06.04.2013

Klink and Lockett’s survey of biblical-theological methods is a timely resource.

Seasons in a Pastor’s Life

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Church Planting

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A New Christian Authoritarianism?

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The Church’s Ministries

ታህሳስ 2022
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The Pastor and Church Administration

መስከረም 2022
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Pursuing Revival While Avoiding Revivalism

ሰኔ 2022
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Expressive Individualism in the Church

መጋቢት 2022
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Sound Doctrine: The Foundation for Faithful Ministry

ጥቅምት 2021
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The Ordinary Means of Grace—Or, Don’t Do Weird Stuff

July 2021
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How to Build Up Your Church: A Guidebook for Members

መጋቢት 2021
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Heaven: Rejoicing in Future Glory

ታህሳስ 2020
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Pastoring Through Political Turmoil

September 2020
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Shepherding: The Work & Character of a Pastor

ሰኔ 2020
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What’s Wrong With Gospel-Centered Preaching Today?

መጋቢት 2020
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Complementarianism: A Moment of Reckoning

Complementarianism: A Moment of Reckoning

ታህሳስ 2019
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The Heart of the Gospel: Penal Substitutionary Atonement

August 2019
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Church Membership: Following the Lord Together

Church Membership: Following the Lord Together

ግንቦት 2019
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Ecclesiology for Calvinists

የካቲት 2019
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The Pastor and Pornography

The Pastor and Pornography

ጥቅምት 2018
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Pastoral Burnout: Its Causes & Cures

ሐምሌ 2018
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Church Life: Our True Political Witness

Spring 2018
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Church Discipline: Medicine for the Body

ጥር 2018
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The Reformation and Your Church

Fall 2017
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Church Mergers and Plants

Summer 2017
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Pastoring Singles

Spring 2017
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Healthy Churches around the World

Fall / Winter 2016
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Authority: God’s Good and Dangerous Gift

Summer/Fall 2016
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The Church Praying

Spring 2016
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Confessions, Covenants, and Constitutions: How to Organize Your Church

Winter 2016
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Missions: Adding Wisdom to Zeal

ታህሳስ 2015
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Multi-Ethnic Churches

Summer/Fall 2015
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Expositional Preaching

Spring 2015
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Complementarianism & the Local Church

Winter 2015
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Vanishing Church?

Fall 2014
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Biblical Theology: Guardian and Guide of the Church

Summer 2014
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The Church Singing

May–June 2014
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Prosperity Gospel

January–February 2014
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Evangelism – Part 2

November–December 2013
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Evangelism – Part 1

September–October 2013
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Is Scripture Enough?

July–August 2013
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Church and Churches

May—June 2013
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Pastoring Christians for the Workplace

March—April 2013
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Lay Elders: A User’s Guide—Part 2

Jan—Feb 2013
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Lay Elders: A User’s Guide – Part 1

November—December 2012
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Discipling in the Church

September—October 2012
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Mercy Ministry in the Church

July—August 2012
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Wanted: Apostolic Pastors

May—June 2012
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The Underestimated Doctrine of Conversion

March—April 2012
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Don’t Be Too Cool for Sunday School

January—February 2012
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Revitalize: Why We Must Reclaim Dying Churches—and How

November—December 2011
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The Pastor and his Staff, Part 2

September—October 2011
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The Pastor and his Staff, Part 1

July—August 2011
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Church Membership: Holding the Body Together

May—June 2011
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Church and Parachurch: Friends or Foes?

March—April 2011
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Pastoral Moves

January—February 2011
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Book Reviews on the Mission of the Church

November—December 2010
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Hell: Remembering the Awful Reality

September—October 2010
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Pastoring Women

July—August 2010
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Journal about Deacons


May - June 2010
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A New Evangelical Liberalism

January—February 2010

Church Discipline (Part 2)

November—December 2009

Church Discipline (Part 1)

September—October 2009


July—August 2009

Multi-site Churches

May—June 2009

Young Pastors

March–April 2009

Raising Up the Next Generation of Pastors

January–February 2009

Counseling in the Church

November–December 2008

Family & Parenting

September–October 2008

Marriage & Pastors’ Wives

July—August 2008
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Living As a Church

May–June 2008


March–April 2008

Corporate Prayer

January–February 2008

Church & Culture

November–December 2007

Race and Ethnicity

September—October 2007

The Gospel

July–August 2007


May–June 2007

Elders (Part 2)

March–April 2007

Hospitality & Friendship

January 2007

Elders (Part 1)

February 2007

Biblical Theology

November–December 2006

The Church’s Mission

October 2006

The Emerging Church

September 2006

Miscellaneous Articles

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