Where Mercy Ministry Fits into the Church

The “Regulated Free Market” Approach to Mercy Ministry

By Jamie Dunlop | 9Marks Journal: Mercy Ministry in the Church | 06.26.2012

When it comes to mercy ministry in the church, both the programmed and the organic approaches have their limitations. Here is a third way.

How Do Word and Deed Ministry Fit Together for a Church?

By Tim Keller | 9Marks Journal: Mercy Ministry in the Church | 06.26.2012

Churches know they are responsible for word ministry. But are they responsible for deed ministry? How do word and deed ministry relate?

Obligation, Stewardship, and the Poor

By Kevin DeYoung | 9Marks Journal: Mercy Ministry in the Church | 07.01.2012

It’s easy (and biblical) to insist that Christians should “do something about the poor.” But how can we sort out whom we should help, and how much?

How Mercy Serves Evangelism in the Church

By Mike McKinley | 9Marks Journal: Mercy Ministry in the Church | 06.26.2012

Here are five ways mercy ministry serves and supports a church’s gospel proclamation.

We Need to Be Careful, but We also Need to Care

By Mike McKinley | 9Marks Journal: Mercy Ministry in the Church | 06.26.2012

Theological nuance is important, but it should never mask disobedience.

Practical Counsel

How to Have Gospel Conversations with Torn Up People

By John Lauber | 9Marks Journal: Mercy Ministry in the Church | 06.26.2012

How can you talk to someone with whom you seem to have nothing in common? By seeing their life and yours through the lens of the Bible’s grand narrative.

Church Mercy Ministry as Integrated Auxiliary

By Jamie Dunlop | 9Marks Journal: Mercy Ministry in the Church | 06.26.2012

If a mercy ministry in your church grows to the point where it needs some real structure, consider making it an “integrated auxiliary.”

How to Start a Mercy Ministry in your Church

By Layla Wilder | 9Marks Journal: Mercy Ministry in the Church | 06.27.2012

If you want your church to help poor people, decide how you are going to help, find people to serve, and tell them about Jesus as you do.

Compelling Examples

Loving the Unlovely and Unwanted

By David Apple | 9Marks Journal: Mercy Ministry in the Church | 06.27.2012

This is the story of one urban church’s efforts to serve its community through both mercy and pointing to the source of mercy.

Adopting a School

By J. D. Greear | 9Marks Journal: Mercy Ministry in the Church | 06.27.2012

Here’s how the Summit Church learned to love their neighbors, and what that did for their witness to their community.

Facing Up to Sex Trafficking

By Justin Holcomb | 9Marks Journal: Mercy Ministry in the Church | 06.27.2012

Should Christians pass off victims of sexual trafficking to non-Christian counselors? Send them to someone else’s church? What? What should pastors know about this world and what can they do?

Book Review

Book Review: Ministry by His Grace and for His Glory: Essays in Honor of Thomas J. Nettles, ed. by Thomas Ascol and Nathan Finn

Review by Sam Emadi | 9Marks Journal: Mercy Ministry in the Church | 06.27.2012

Tom Nettles deserves to be commended for his faithfulness to the gospel and his commitment to excellence in academic and pastoral ministry.

Seasons in a Pastor’s Life

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Complementarianism: A Moment of Reckoning

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The Heart of the Gospel: Penal Substitutionary Atonement

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Authority: God’s Good and Dangerous Gift

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Is Scripture Enough?

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Wanted: Apostolic Pastors

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The Underestimated Doctrine of Conversion

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Don’t Be Too Cool for Sunday School

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The Pastor and his Staff, Part 2

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The Pastor and his Staff, Part 1

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Church Membership: Holding the Body Together

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Church and Parachurch: Friends or Foes?

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Book Reviews on the Mission of the Church

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Hell: Remembering the Awful Reality

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Pastoring Women

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Journal about Deacons


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A New Evangelical Liberalism

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Church Discipline (Part 2)

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