A Call for Pastors to Pray for Their People

By Ryan Fullerton | 9Marks Journal: The Church Praying | 06.21.2016

Pastors, here are six biblical truths that I hope will jolt us out of our prayerless slumber.

Praying Together: An Invisible, Yet Vital Work

By Megan Hill | 9Marks Journal: The Church Praying | 06.21.2016

Corporate prayer isn’t much to look at. But it’s one of the most important things a church does.

Corporate Prayer Is More than Your Personal Quiet Time

By Zach Schlegel | 9Marks Journal: The Church Praying | 06.21.2016

Corporate prayer is not just 300 people having their own quiet time; it’s 300 people praying together.

The Holy Spirit, Prayer, and Preaching

By David Helm | 9Marks Journal: The Church Praying | 06.17.2016

When we genuinely embrace the conviction of our need for the Spirit, we give ourselves to the work of prayer and the work of preaching.


Praying the 'Big Four’ Corporately

By John Onwuchekwa | 9Marks Journal: The Church Praying | 06.20.2016

Adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication. How should we pray on Sunday morning?

Praying in Elders’ Meetings

By Greg Spraul | 9Marks Journal: The Church Praying | 06.21.2016

Elders often deal with difficult cases, so shouldn’t we pray for wisdom?

The Privilege and Power of a Praying Pastor’s Wife

By Erin Wheeler | 9Marks Journal: The Church Praying | 06.21.2016

We might say we believe prayer is important, but are we praying regularly, specifically, and expectantly?

Praying in Discipling Relationships among Sisters

By Carrie Russell | 9Marks Journal: The Church Praying | 06.21.2016

When we disciple others, we have the privilege of helping them follow Jesus. Prayer is a critical tool in doing that.

Praying as a Church for the World and Your City 

By Phil Ryken | 9Marks Journal: The Church Praying | 06.21.2016

If God rules over kingdoms, then kingdoms are our concern, and we should discipline ourselves to pray both for the world in general and our cities in particular.


Looking to the Past for Lessons about Prayer

By Thomas S. Kidd | 9Marks Journal: The Church Praying | 06.03.2016

With all due regard to churches’ individual circumstances, it’s hard to justify the lack of congregational prayer in many of today’s churches, or the relegation of prayer to an obligatory sidelight.

Learning to Pray by Listening in Church

By Claudia Anderson | 9Marks Journal: The Church Praying | 06.21.2016

My every prayer of thanksgiving should properly begin with gratitude to those who took me to church as a child and who, when I was long grown, invited me back.

Pastor’s Forum: Stories of Answered Prayer

By A. Menikoff, D. Newkirk, G. Conner, G. Kell, J. Vincent, S. Kelly | 9Marks Journal: The Church Praying | 06.21.2016

A few brief stories of how God has answered church-wide prayers.

4 Reasons You Should Add a Regular Prayer Service to Your Church Calendar

By Brad Wheeler | 9Marks Journal: The Church Praying | 06.21.2016

If you could add one thing to your church calendar, what would it be? Have you considered adding a regular prayer service?

Looking to the New Testament for Models of Corporate Prayer

By Andy Davis | 9Marks Journal: The Church Praying | 06.21.2016

There is evidence in the New Testament that the Holy Spirit wills to use prayer meetings to pour out his power again and again on local churches.

How to Keep Your Spontaneous Prayers from Sounding Aimless and Shallow

By Brian Davis | 9Marks Journal: The Church Praying | 06.21.2016

Praying without preparation should be as natural to us as sharing the gospel with someone. It is simply what we do as Christians.

How to Keep Your Scripted Prayers from Sounding Stiff and Robotic

By Dave Comeau | 9Marks Journal: The Church Praying | 06.21.2016

Watching your tone, pacing, and pauses will keep your scripted prayers from sounding robotic and stiff.

Why You Should Be Praying the Psalms

By Donald S. Whitney | 9Marks Journal: The Church Praying | 06.09.2016

Tired of praying the same old things about the same old things? Try praying the psalms.

Learning How to Pray Fervently from Benjamin Francis

By Michael A. G. Haykin | 9Marks Journal: The Church Praying | 06.21.2016

Looking to an 18th-century pastor for wisdom on what to pray for, and how to pray.


The Shocking, Abysmal, and Embarrassing Failure of Churches to Pray

By J. Leeman, M. Dever | 9Marks Journal: The Church Praying | 06.10.2016

Prayerlessness is a problem in so many churches. What can we do about it?

Book Review: Calling on the Name of the Lord: A Biblical Theology of Prayer, by J. Gary Millar

Review by Paul Alexander | 9Marks Journal: The Church Praying | 10.14.2016

Why pray certain things? Because the Bible tells you to from cover to cover. This book will simplify, motivate, and focus your own prayer life.

Seasons in a Pastor’s Life

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Church Planting

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A New Christian Authoritarianism?

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The Church’s Ministries

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The Pastor and Church Administration

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Pursuing Revival While Avoiding Revivalism

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Expressive Individualism in the Church

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Sound Doctrine: The Foundation for Faithful Ministry

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The Ordinary Means of Grace—Or, Don’t Do Weird Stuff

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How to Build Up Your Church: A Guidebook for Members

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Heaven: Rejoicing in Future Glory

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Pastoring Through Political Turmoil

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Shepherding: The Work & Character of a Pastor

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What’s Wrong With Gospel-Centered Preaching Today?

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Complementarianism: A Moment of Reckoning

Complementarianism: A Moment of Reckoning

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The Heart of the Gospel: Penal Substitutionary Atonement

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Church Membership: Following the Lord Together

Church Membership: Following the Lord Together

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Ecclesiology for Calvinists

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The Pastor and Pornography

The Pastor and Pornography

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Pastoral Burnout: Its Causes & Cures

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Church Life: Our True Political Witness

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Church Discipline: Medicine for the Body

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The Reformation and Your Church

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Church Mergers and Plants

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Pastoring Singles

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Healthy Churches around the World

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Authority: God’s Good and Dangerous Gift

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The Church Praying

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Confessions, Covenants, and Constitutions: How to Organize Your Church

Winter 2016
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Missions: Adding Wisdom to Zeal

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Multi-Ethnic Churches

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Expositional Preaching

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Complementarianism & the Local Church

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Vanishing Church?

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Biblical Theology: Guardian and Guide of the Church

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The Church Singing

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Prosperity Gospel

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Evangelism – Part 2

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Evangelism – Part 1

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Is Scripture Enough?

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Church and Churches

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Pastoring Christians for the Workplace

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Lay Elders: A User’s Guide—Part 2

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Lay Elders: A User’s Guide – Part 1

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Discipling in the Church

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Mercy Ministry in the Church

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Wanted: Apostolic Pastors

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The Underestimated Doctrine of Conversion

March—April 2012
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Don’t Be Too Cool for Sunday School

January—February 2012
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Revitalize: Why We Must Reclaim Dying Churches—and How

November—December 2011
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The Pastor and his Staff, Part 2

September—October 2011
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The Pastor and his Staff, Part 1

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Church Membership: Holding the Body Together

May—June 2011
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Church and Parachurch: Friends or Foes?

March—April 2011
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Pastoral Moves

January—February 2011
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Book Reviews on the Mission of the Church

November—December 2010
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Hell: Remembering the Awful Reality

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Pastoring Women

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Journal about Deacons


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A New Evangelical Liberalism

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Church Discipline (Part 2)

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Church Discipline (Part 1)

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Multi-site Churches

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Young Pastors

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Raising Up the Next Generation of Pastors

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Counseling in the Church

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Family & Parenting

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Living As a Church

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Corporate Prayer

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Elders (Part 2)

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