When should you not submit to church leaders?


When should you not submit to church leaders?

What do pastors themselves need in order to preach on hell?


Preaching on hell is no easy task. What do pastors themselves need in order to do it well?

What should pastors preach about hell?


Hell is an awful and overwhelming reality. Yet where Scripture speaks, pastors must not be silent. Here are four things pastors should preach about hell:

Why are pastors afraid of preaching about hell? What’s the solution?


Why are pastors afraid of preaching about hell?

Why should pastors preach on hell?


1. It’s in the Bible. As difficult as the subject is, pastors must proclaim the whole counsel of God.

2. It acts as ballast for their ministries. It’s easy for pastors to drift off track by making a good thing the main thing. Preaching hell reminds us that there is no more urgent task than proclaiming to the world the good news that forgiveness of sins is offered through Jesus Christ!

How does hell glorify God?


Many people think that, if it even exists, hell must reflect some defect in God’s character. Yet as hard as it may be for us to grasp, the reality is just the opposite: hell displays God’s glory.

How does hell glorify God?

Why is hell integral to the gospel?


Some people think that by rejecting or ignoring the doctrine of hell, they are making God more glorious and more loving. Far from it! The horrific nature of what we have been saved from only intensifies the glory of what we have been saved to. With that in mind, here are four reasons why the doctrine of hell is integral to the gospel.

What are some practical ways a pastor can equip women for ministry?

Pray for the women in your church. God uses our prayers to bring about growth and keep opportunities and concerns before us. Identify women of good character and train them to minister to other women. One way to train women for ministry is to offer Bible studies for women with the expectation that each attendee will take another woman through the study after the class is completed. This will help to develop a team of women who can counsel and encourage other women in the congregation.

How can a pastor wisely transition his church from being deacon-led to elder-led?


What are some things to watch out for as I transition my church from being deacon-led to elder-led?

Make sure the congregation understands the Bible’s teaching about elders. In moving to recognize men as elders, you are asking your congregation to understand and implement a biblical practice. This requires you to patiently expound Scripture—engaging the congregation, small groups, and individuals in interpreting and applying God’s Word.

What are some common mistakes churches make in partnering with missionaries in other nations?

They partner with missionaries who are not theologically likeminded. They partner with missionaries who are not practically likeminded. They partner with missionaries whose character they know insufficiently. They give a little money to a lot of missionaries rather than substantial support to fewer missionaries. They provide only financial support. They are too quick to cut support when there is little apparent fruit.

How can a young pastor know when to initiate new structural or institutional changes?


A young pastor should consider several matters when considering when to initiate new structural or institutional changes in his church:

How can a pastor make wise use of commentaries and other helps in sermon preparation?


A pastor can make wise use of commentaries and other scholarly helps in sermon preparation by using such tools as conversation partners, not as masters.

How? By spending your earliest and best time with the text itself. Meditate on the text. Pray through the text. Exegete the text thoroughly. Outline the text. Ask questions of the text and answer them all yourself before you consult any commentaries.

How can a church know when to affirm an individual’s desire to do overseas missions?


A church should be willing to affirm an individual’s desire to do overseas missions when they are confident that the person:

Can someone be genuinely converted and contentedly live in sin?


Generally speaking, no.

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