Evangelism Without an Altar Call

By Aaron Menikoff | 9Marks Journal: Evangelism | 01.29.2024

With the best of intentions, practitioners of the altar call and spontaneous baptisms have likely given many unsaved persons false confidence they know Jesus.

Evangelistic Programs or the Alternative?

By J. Mack Stiles | 9Marks Journal: Evangelism | 01.24.2024

When we take a cold, hard look at programs, things just don’t add up.

Commend the One You Cherish: Learning Evangelism from John Piper

By David Mathis | 9Marks Journal: Evangelism | 01.22.2024

John Piper did not become a “traveling evangelist” like his father. Yet, in God’s remarkable providence, the evangelist’s son has quietly, inconspicuously, almost counterintuitively been a surprisingly fruitful winner of souls.

Connecting Evangelism and Church

By Jonathan Leeman | 9Marks Journal: Evangelism | 01.17.2024

Is evangelism an individual sport or a team sport? Really, it’s both.

Must Every Christian Evangelize?

By Tim Beougher | 9Marks Journal: Evangelism | 01.15.2024

Church members sometimes wonder if they should just leave evangelism to the “professionals.”

They Will Listen: Evangelistic Confidence in a Cynical Age

By Paul Billings | 9Marks Journal: Evangelism | 01.12.2024

Whatever your experience has told you about evangelism, take hope from Acts  28:28.

The Great Commission Is Bigger Than Your Church

By Bobby Jamieson | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 11.20.2023

The Great Commission is bigger than your local church. How should that shape your priorities and posture as a pastor?

How Catholicity Promotes Church-Centered Missions

By Ryan Robertson | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 08.28.2023

How can pastors encourage their congregations to appreciate ecclesiological distinctives without discarding a spirit of catholicity?

Single Assembly: Advancing the Gospel by Investing in Other Churches

By Alex Arrell | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 08.21.2023

The implication of multi-site/service models is that the best way for the lost in your town, city, or country to hear the gospel is the expansion of one particular empire.

Spurgeon on Building a Culture of Evangelism

By Geoff Chang | 08.17.2023

As effective of an evangelistic preacher as C. H. Spurgeon was, he knew that he could not evangelize his community alone. He needed his congregation alongside him.

7 Reasons Why Your Church Should Engage in Door-to-Door Evangelism

By Jake Wright | 05.29.2023

Evangelism is critical not only for lost souls but also for the spiritual vitality of our churches.

A Response to a Review of ‘No Shortcut to Success’

By Matt Rhodes | 05.16.2023

We asked Matt Rhodes to respond to the International Mission Board’s critique of his book ‘No Shortcut to Success: A Manifesto for Modern Missions.’

Theonomy and Sharia Law

By Matthew Bennett | 9Marks Journal: A New Christian Authoritarianism? | 04.28.2023

Christian theonomy poses some of the same dangers as an Islamic state.

The Case for Long-Term Missions

By Brooks Buser | 01.26.2023

How can “normal” Christians see their sons and daughters board ships and planes and be gone for decades, perhaps forever? The only sufficient answer I have found is this: these saints see past this world.

Mission and Maturity

By Jonathan D. Worthington | 01.18.2023

Presenting converts to Christ was not Paul’s ultimate missional dream. Nor was presenting planted churches. He wanted to present communities of mature believers to Christ.